


Selling your car on your own instead of to a dealership can seem scary, but it doesn't have to be. 如果你做了作业, it might work out better for you — particularly if the 车辆 you plan to sell has a high value. 下面是一些可以帮助你的建议.


One of the first steps is to gather all documents associated with the car you're selling. 这些文件包括:

  • 保修信息 - If a warranty remains for the 车辆, provide this to the new buyer.
  • 销售单据 -当您创建销售单据时,应包括:
    • 销售日期
    • 你的名字和买家的名字
    • 汽车的年份、品牌和型号
    • 协商价格
    • If the car is being sold "as is" or if you are providing a stipend for repairs
  • Title -根据你所在州的规定, 你可能会在标题上签字, 转到买方名下.
  • 汽车管理处规例 -取决于你住在哪个州, 您可能需要进行排放测试或里程表披露声明.



  • 完成维修 - 小物件维修 -例如液体, 刹车, 灯泡, 轮胎充气, 挡风玻璃裂缝, 凹痕或划痕-可能会帮助你为你的车赚更多的钱. Retain any receipts of repair to show buyers what work has been completed.
  • 清洁它 - While it may seem obvious, many sellers skip or marginally follow this step. A 清洁,打蜡和 气味清新 汽车可以吸引买家. 所以,要注意汽车的内部和外部. 清理手套箱和后车箱. 擦拭所有表面,包括杯座. Vacuum thoroughly and remember to remove all bumper stickers as well as the residue they leave behind.


这可能是卖二手车最难的部分之一. 当谈到定价时,大多数人都不知道从哪里开始. 首先,在互联网上查看免费的评估工具. 比较你的车在多个网站上列出的价值. 评估汽车状况时要现实一点. 这里有一些网站可能会有所帮助:

The bottom line: Know the lowest amount you will accept for your car before you start negotiating with buyers.


Another challenging aspect of selling a car on the private market is reaching potential buyers. 你怎么让别人知道你有一辆车要卖? 请记住有一些服务,例如 CarMax,他们会购买你的车,然后再转卖给你. 如果你决定自己去卖, watch out for scams and people who may try to take advantage of you.

如果你决定自我推销, a great way to reach potential buyers is through local classifieds sites or various online services — w在这里 you can post photos and a description of your car. 你也可以在网站上购买广告位,比如汽车Trader.com或脸谱网(本地),帮助你卖车.


写广告卖你的车, it's a good idea to include all the pertinent facts about your 车辆 such as: make, 模型, 一年, 条件, 里程, 价格和照片. 帮助它在一群类似的广告中脱颖而出, consider including: color and trim; any extra features such as seat warmers or a sunroof; and if it has low 里程, 只有一个车主可以得到很好的汽油里程.


买二手车,它是否来自 经销商或私人卖家对任何人来说都是一项投资. Before making a purchase, they want to know all they can about the 车辆 and the seller. 这里有一些你可以帮助他们的方法:

  • 汽车的历史 - If your car is an older 模型, or if you're not the original owner, consider obtaining a 交叉路口 报告. This will provide information about the car's history, any accidents and its maintenance records.
  • 你为什么要卖 买家会很好奇你为什么要卖车. 想想你将如何回答,并为他们的问题做好准备.
  • 快速响应 -当您接到电话时, 发短信或电子邮件告知买家已准备好购买, 迅速回应你的接受或还价. If you're slow to respond, the buyer may perceive it as disinterest or that you don't want to sell.


Once you've found a potential buyer, you'll want to schedule a test drive. 让购买者感受一下汽车的操控性. 遵循以下提示,帮助您创建安全的试驾体验.

  • 屏幕上的买家 -在安排试驾前彻底审查潜在买家. 和这个人通过电话交谈,问他们一些筛选问题, 比如他们是否有融资安排. Take questions from them as well to determine if they're a serious buyer.
  • 人数和能见度安全 -不要独自试驾-邀请朋友一起去. Schedule the test drive during the day and meet the potential buyer in a populated area.
  • 凭证 -在他们开车前检查买家的执照. 记住, the seller’s insurance is primary and the test driver would be considered a permissive user.

The test drive is not the time to take payment; but once completed, 现在该开始谈价格了.


转让产权还需要一个安全的环境. When you're ready to make the sale official, consider the tips below.

  • 在银行内部进行支付 -最安全的兑付地点是买方银行. 不同意开车送潜在买家去另一个地方, 尤其是去拿钱的时候.
  • 用头衔换报酬 - Do not sign or hand over the 车辆 title to the buyer until you've received the agreed-upon payment in full. 如果付款不是现金, 检查支票或汇款单是否合法, 或者等待Venmo的付款存入你的支票账户. 如果买方用支票付款, 请访问联邦存款pp王者电子官网公司(FDIC)的网站, FakeChecks.,以核实其是否欺诈.
  • 使用托管服务时要小心 - An escrow service will hold the buyer’s payment for a fee until the seller delivers the purchased item and can help ensure both parties are protected from fraud. 在使用托管服务之前, 然而, thoroughly research and confirm it is reputable to avoid engaging with scammers posing as an escrow service.


  • 留下书面记录 -文书工作很重要, 比如标题, is handled correctly so that the transfer of your car can be properly completed and you are not held responsible for anything that happens with the 车辆 after the sale.
  • 从书面文件中删除个人信息给买家 -避免身份被盗用的风险, 标注个人信息, 比如信用卡号, 从你要交给买家的文件中删除.
  • 保持你的汽车pp王者电子官网,直到交易发生 - Make sure to keep your car insured up until the title and registration are transferred to the buyer. You can be considered responsible for anything that happens until the car is under the buyer’s name.
  • 谨防网络骗子 - Be cautious when sharing personal and financial information online; scammers may ask for this information to use it for malicious purposes. 也, steer clear of buyers who want to pay you electronically or want someone else to pick up the car on their behalf, 尤其是如果他们拒绝提前试驾的话.

在你卖了车之后,别忘了联系你的家人 状态 Farm®代理 更新你的 汽车pp王者电子官网 政策.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.






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