Woman walking her dog with a dog leash and harness.

What kind of leash, collar or harness is right for my dog?

Woman walking her dog with a dog leash and harness.

Learn about the common types of dog leashes, 项圈和挽具,帮助您的家人为您最好的朋友找到合适的.

如果你的生活中有一只新的狗, you may be wondering what kind of leash, collar or harness is right for your furry friend. While it may seem like something easy to purchase, t在这里 seems to be a 多种选择. 也, 这取决于你的狗的品种或年龄, you may want a pet care option recommended by your veterinarian.

无论你是 在家闲荡, 在院子里玩耍或与家人散步, it may be best to be prepped and ready with a safe pet care option from day one. Here are some suggestions on leashes, collars and harnesses for your dog.


狗项圈对你的狗来说非常重要,即使你只是在家里. 当然,狗项圈是一个理想的地方,你的宠物的身份和联系信息. 也, this may be one of the first gifts you give your new dog, so you may want to make sure this is purchased before bringing your pet home.





扁平项圈是最常见的狗项圈,布局简单,便于宠物识别. This can be found in most stores and usually comes in a variety of colors. 也, 不管你的狗是小狗, 成人或长者, a flat collar is a popular option for your furry friend. 根据你的狗的品种,他们可能会滑出项圈由于材料的类型. 考虑和你的兽医谈谈哪种宠物护理方案可能是最好的.


鞅项圈可用于任何品种的狗,但可能是最常见的惠比特犬或灰狗. 也, this type of collar is considered a safe option with a no-slip function. 就像平领一样,你可以买到各种各样的颜色和尺寸. 如果你的兽医觉得给你最好的朋友戴项圈是个不错的选择,一定要咨询他们.


Some pet owners may want a no tag collar. This may prevent jingling or your pet from losing their identification. 也, this collar may come in a variety of colors, engravings or even have the identification on the buckle or collar itself. 进一步, 这种衣领通常由皮革或尼龙材料制成,可以承受天气和日常使用.


无论你是选择带你最好的朋友去下午散步还是冒险远足, t在这里 are quite a few options when it comes to your dog's leash. 此外,你的狗的皮带可以帮助从小狗训练到解决困难的地形. 宠物的安全 虽然遛狗可能是宠物主人的首要任务,但拴狗绳可以帮助你的小狗保持快乐和健康.


普通的扁平铅绳通常由尼龙或皮革制成,有六英尺长. 也, this can be used on a puppy, 成人或长者 dog. 自然, the six-foot lead can help give your best friend the chance to explore, 但是在你的监督下.


这些皮带可以让你的小狗有更多的机会去探索和冒险, but can also help keep your furry friend safe. 在购买狗绳之前,要考虑宠物的品种、年龄或精力水平. You may find you use several different types, depending on your environment.


一个温和的领导或头项圈是一个安全的选择,帮助你的新毛茸茸的朋友学习如何在皮带上行走. 也, it can help with training and curbing any unwanted behavior cues. 例如,从拉和跳水到试图吃一些他们不应该吃的东西. 考虑和你的兽医谈谈你的选择,如果他们认为这是一个很适合你的新宠物.


如果你想去跑步,免提皮带对你和你的狗来说可能是一个很好的选择. 通常系在腰上,这让你在旅途中可以自由支配你的双手. 也, 这给了你一个安全的选择,有双领带和一个卡宾枪,以确保你的宠物是安全的,当你打小径.


Although the retractable leash may be convenient for some pet owners, 你可能要注意与这种类型的皮带相关的危险. 例如, 如果你放下皮带, your dog becomes scared or frightened or you run into something unexpected, it may be harder to control your pet on this type of leash. 此外,已知这些皮带会断裂,撕裂甚至引起事故.


狗狗背带是另一种帮助你的宠物在外面安全的方法. 也, 如果你的狗喜欢拉扯或者精力充沛,狗狗安全带可能会有帮助.


如果你有一只短脸狗,比如哈巴狗,这个马具可能是一个理想的小狗, 法国斗牛犬或波士顿梗. 此外,这可能有助于拉动和保持你的毛茸茸的朋友向前移动一些帮助.


A front-clip harness or no pull leash is helpful for dogs of all sizes. 这可能是一个很好的选择,如果你的狗拉,没有其他的训练机会. 也, 一些有前夹的安全带可能有一个后夹的选项,以增加安全措施. 还记得, 每只狗都不一样, 但拉布拉多寻回犬或金毛寻回犬可能会从这种马具选择中受益.


你的小狗是否喜欢飞球, 敏捷或徒步旅行, a sport dog harness may come in handy for your best friend. 通常采用反光拼接, 耐久性和灵活性, a sport harness may give your dog a bit more space to move. 也, 它可能有各种各样的颜色和面料,让你的宠物准备好在各种天气下冒险.

Is a collar or harness better for a puppy?

每只小狗都不一样. 另外,取决于你的 宠物的品种他们在学习如何在户外行走时可能需要更多的灵活性或安全措施. 考虑和你的兽医谈谈什么对你的新宠物和家庭最有效. 进一步, playtime in your backyard versus a neighborhood walk or beach trip, 可能需要不同的宠物护理选择.


Whether your dog is ready for adventure or on a family walk, t在这里 are many options to keep your pet safe, 快乐健康. While you may want to try different styles for your furry friend, you may find several that fit your pet's needs, 尤其是当他们长大和变老的时候. The best pet care option is the one that allows your dog a safe space to roam, 和家人一起探索和玩耍. 进一步, keeping your pet safe is what every dog owner wants. 在a的帮助下 宠物pp王者电子官网政策, you can help budget and plan for the unexpected.

发现如何 宠物pp王者电子官网政策 can be t在这里 for your pet during their lifetime.

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如果你看看你的空间, 你可能会发现家庭用品对狗有害,对猫有毒. 帮助 protect your pet — before they get into trouble — with these tips.