
The trick to choosing a neighborhood to live in is to figure out what matters to you 和 to do thorough research.

你可能认识一些人,他们很喜欢自己居住的社区. 他们可能是被这些房子的特点所吸引, 进入好学校的机会, 到公园和商店的步行距离或任何其他因素. 不是每个人都想要或渴望同样的东西 寻找住的地方. 通过做正确的研究, you will be able to make an informed decision 和 pick the right neighborhood for you 和 your family.


缩小对你来说最重要的东西, your lifestyle 和 to your family helps when evaluating w在这里 you want to live. 无论你是在扩大规模还是 裁减人员, start by being specific 和 choosing what's most important to you 和 your family. 决定哪些因素是“必须拥有的”,哪些是“最好拥有的”。.

提前考虑你的住房决定. 阐明你的 财务目标预期的生活事件 或计划. Consider how long you plan to live in the home 和 neighborhood you choose. 你打算在那里生活几年吗?

研究 is important 和 you should pay close attention to the neighborhood your potential home will be in. 您可以使用以下网站 利基市场.com 查看与学校相关的排名和数据, 犯罪, 收入, 不同城市和社区的生活成本和其他因素. 浏览社区或城市网站,了解该地区的全貌. Take a drive through the neighborhoods that you are looking to reside in 和 get a feel for the surroundings. 评估你感兴趣地区的住房成本. The more positives a neighborhood has, the more likely housing costs more. W在这里ver you’re looking, talk to people who already live t在这里 to gain insight into what they like.

诀窍是查看受欢迎的属性, 比如那些房子和学校, 然后决定什么对你最重要. 你可能做不到 找个邻居 that has all of the characteristics you want, but you may find one that has a majority of them.



Whether you want to rent or 买 a place to live, t在这里 are a few common things people look for. 在你做决定之前,这里有一些事情需要考虑.


T在这里 are several types of homes you can rent or 买 ranging from single-family to multi-family homes. 一些风格包括联排别墅, 公寓, 公寓, 制造的房子、单层、多层等. Underst和ing the costs, pros 和 cons of each is important in narrowing down your choices.


不管你想搬到哪里, 卧室的数量, 洗手间和可用的空间对大多数人来说通常很重要. Thinking practically 和 narrowing down the style 和 size of home you want to live in helps.


一些社区和住房类型的成本将高于其他社区和住房类型. 仔细检查并设定一个价格范围,并考虑你的住房预算. This will help narrow down your choices 和 help you avoid spending more than you can afford. 一定要 预算 for housing association or condo fees, pp王者电子官网 和 property tax expenses, if they apply.


Location is generally a top consideration 和 is usually just as important as the home itself. Do your research 和 consider distance from work, schools, public 公园 和 stores. 此外,考虑公共交通和通勤时间.


如果你有 宠物, find out if the property you are looking at is pet friendly 和 allows 宠物. 一些出租物业不允许使用或要求使用 大额存款 把它们留在你的住处. T在这里 are also some pet restrictions 和 rules in some housing associations 和 condominium units. 一定要研究一下你的宠物的规则是什么 安全 在新环境中也很舒服.


Evaluating 和 researching schools 和 districts in the neighborhood you are looking to live is important. 在一个有强大的公立和私立学校的好学区, 即使你没有孩子, 会对房产价值有所帮助吗. If you do have children, this is an important aspect of selecting a place to live.


Finding a 安全 neighborhood with low 犯罪 rates is important to most people. 一定要查看你正在寻找的地区的犯罪统计数据. 研究如何去做的信息 确定一个社区是否安全. 有些社区有邻里监督或者 社交媒体网络 帮助提高意识并报告某一地区可能出现的问题. Look at the community or city government websites or call to see if they have 犯罪 statistics reported. Don’t be afraid to ask pointed questions about the area you are looking to reside in.


Distance from your job 和 commute time may be a driving factor in finding a home. Other deciding factors include access to public transportation 和 proximity to people 和 places. 有些人看重并优先考虑商店的远近, 医疗设施, 教堂, 公园, 餐厅, 咖啡馆, 人行道上, 小径和更多.


对许多购房者来说,多元化社区的价值很重要. Many neighborhoods are geared toward families, with lots of single-family houses. 另一些则提供不同的住房类型,吸引了不同年龄段的人 or people with common lifestyles or interests.

为你找到一个完美的社区意味着对所有因素进行排名, 明确当前和未来的目标, 保持平衡. A 状态 Farm®代理 也许能帮你找到合适的 pp王者电子官网 满足您搬家前后的需求.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Even if it's not your first time 买ing, 预算 extra 和 know fees can vary by area.

买房:租房vs. 买?





Consider a professional home inspection to help identify any immediate or potential issues before signing the papers on a new house.