Man working on tablet.

How to secure your smart home devices


如今的家庭拥有大量联网设备——从厨房电器、智能恒温器到灯泡和永远开着的安全摄像头,应有尽有. 虽然关掉被遗忘的灯很方便, 当没有人在家时,通过减少使用来节省能源,或者监控一天中任何时候谁来谁去, connected home devices can also create a security headache.

家用设备的网络安全协议远不如笔记本电脑或智能手机那么强大. And because they're connected to the Internet, 如果你的笔记本电脑和智能手机在同一个网络上,这些设备可能会进入你的网络. Once there, cyber thieves have access to your identity, banking credentials, credit card numbers and other personal information. The Federal Trade Commission 据美国联邦贸易委员会估计,每年有900万美国人的身份被盗.

What can help secure your smart home from a data breach?

  • Keep your smart devices to a minimum. 盘点一下家里的数字入口点,并考虑整合. Only use those devices that you need.
  • Make sure your home network is secure. 花点时间了解调制解调器和路由器的不同设置, the hub of your home network. Wi-Fi加密有多种选择,每种都有自己的好处.
    1. WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II) is typically recommended.
    2. WPA和WEP有时容易受到暴力攻击.
  • Change all the default passwords. 在将任何电脑或智能设备连接到家庭网络之前,请立即执行此操作. Make sure you are using a strong, unique password for each device.
  • Disable internet access to the router's admin screen. 大多数家庭用户不需要从外部更改调制解调器或路由器的设置.
  • Use a firewall. 家里的大多数路由器都起到防火墙的作用,不断地监控流量,以阻止意外的流量, unwanted or specifically malicious traffic. 即使你的智能设备里的小型计算机可能不会捕获敏感或个人信息, 它们是入口点,所以应该在防火墙后面.
  • Use the guest network option. 这允许客人连接到您的家庭网络,而不打开访问您的个人设备. 您还可以将来宾网络用于连接的家用设备,这些设备要与用于计算机的个人网络分开, phone and printer. Most home routers have a guest network option. By connecting your home gadgets to that, 一个坏掉的冰箱不会成为别人窃取你银行账户的大门.
  • Factor in multifactor authentication. Don't rely on passwords alone to keep your devices safe. Check to see if your system offers two-factor authentication, which adds an extra security layer to the login process, such as a security key or a one-time code received by text. Even if a hacker is able to steal your password, it's much less likely that your phone can also be hacked.
  • Consider disabling Wi-Fi Protected Setup. 这是一个很少使用的功能,旨在通过简单的PIN在家庭网络上轻松设置设备, some implementations have serious security flaws.
  • Update regularly. 就像你会更新你的电脑或平板电脑一样,对家用设备也做同样的事情. 软件和固件中一直存在漏洞, 定期更新提供了必要的保护.
  • Use antivirus and antimalware software. 确保你家里所有的电脑以及那些客人可能带回家的电脑上都安装了这个程序.

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